Thursday, June 29, 2006

Flickr as a content migration tool?

Hmmm, I was wondering whether you could use Flickr to temporarily store a photo set (with tags per photo) and then later download the entire set with the metadata still intact and linked to the photos. I initially thought that was impossible.....

It would be good to have the easy tagging facilities of Flickr to process a set of photos by tagging them and then download them with the new metadata attached to each photo and then migrate the content to a content management system.

Apparently tools such as FlickrDown or FlickrExplorer should give you the missing link: download the photos and get the Flickr tags linked to the photos stored in e.g. iptc/exif fields, but I haven't tried that yet. So, no verdict yet.

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QQUIP visualiser now live

A nice project I helped materialise has now resulted in a website with a fine visualiser front-end. Interested? Check the QQUIP Website.

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Back to the future

My colleague (to the far left here) undug this little picture of our visit to XEROX Parc (now simply PARC) in Palo Alto, probably 8 years ago.

I'm to the right, still very young...

What hasn't changed though, is our common interest in fun projects and extraordinary concepts and technologies.

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