Sunday, April 23, 2006

It could get worse

Extreme driving lessons in Saigon. Great spotter's place for Honda Club affectionados, though.

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Friday, April 21, 2006

A pledge for distributed intelligence

If you watch this episode of India Driving then you'll be certainly convinced that distributed intelligence is a good way to solve a complex problem!

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Friday, April 14, 2006

Repertory grid

The Centre for Person-Computer Studies provides a free copy of a basic repgrid tool that you can use to elicit expert classification knowledge. Download the tool and use the 'elicit grid' script to guide you through a typical bottom-up knowledge acquisition session.

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Big, bigger, biggest?

I was wondering: what is the biggest online community in the world, let's say defined as having the largest number of registered users on a given day in a year? Big Boards gives some insight, but having read an article about Bebo, the numbers given by Big Boards are dwindled by the membership numbers of these social networking places: Bebo should have around 22 million registered users, is said to have 50 million user names on record. South Koreans flock together in CyWorld in their millions. Couldn't find a definite answer though. Another question would be: who has the largest number of person data on (electronic?) record? The Chinese post office?

Any 'official' rankings out there?

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