It could get worse
Extreme driving lessons in Saigon. Great spotter's place for Honda Club affectionados, though.
Categories: distributed, intelligence, traffic
This Blog covers the breadth and depth of anything to do with knowledge and innovation management, but with eccentric escapades to wherever iknow2 likes...
Extreme driving lessons in Saigon. Great spotter's place for Honda Club affectionados, though.
If you watch this episode of India Driving then you'll be certainly convinced that distributed intelligence is a good way to solve a complex problem!
The Centre for Person-Computer Studies provides a free copy of a basic repgrid tool that you can use to elicit expert classification knowledge. Download the tool and use the 'elicit grid' script to guide you through a typical bottom-up knowledge acquisition session.
I was wondering: what is the biggest online community in the world, let's say defined as having the largest number of registered users on a given day in a year? Big Boards gives some insight, but having read an article about Bebo, the numbers given by Big Boards are dwindled by the membership numbers of these social networking places: Bebo should have around 22 million registered users, is said to have 50 million user names on record. South Koreans flock together in CyWorld in their millions. Couldn't find a definite answer though. Another question would be: who has the largest number of person data on (electronic?) record? The Chinese post office?